Given the diversity in business practices, customs and cultures among countries in the region, the ABA recognizes the need to develop and implement an information exchange program which strengthens communication and encourages the dissemination of information among ABA member banks.
To achieve this objective, the ABA:
- has established links with other organizations that can serve as its Knowledge Partners in providing information and other resources that may be useful to or of interest to members banks;
- regularly issues publications to serve as information link between the officers and members.

ABA Newsletter
This monthly publication is effectively utilized as a channel for communications between the officers, the Secretariat and the members and as a medium for exchange of the latest news and information on banking and finance, member-bank activities, member-bank personalities, as well as on services available to members. Members are encouraged to contribute articles regarding activities in their respective banks, as well as on financial developments in their own countries.

ABA Journal of Banking and Finance
This semi-annual publication contains enlightening and informative articles, monographs and occasional papers, and speeches on banking and finance, economic development and regional economic cooperation. Contributions of articles are also sought regularly from member banks.
Year-End Review
Issued at the start of the year, the “Year-End Review” contains a summary report of the activities undertaken by the ABA during the previous year.

Informal Workout Guidelines - Promoting Corporate Restructuring in Asia
This is a model agreement that promotes company restructuring: It is a model adaptable for use regionally, by a country, or for a particular debtor.
Conference Presentations & Speeches
ABA makes available to its members the presentations made by our speakers during the annual conference and other events. With their approval, speakers can share directly their valuable information to improve efficiency and services among ABA members.