China’s economy has shown signs of weakening since April after a respectful first quarter outcome, when GDP grew by…

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China’s economy has shown signs of weakening since April after a respectful first quarter outcome, when GDP grew by…
Inflation was always set to be the hot topic at our 2022 U.S. Global Investment Forum (GIF), given the economic and…
The latest economic data shows inflation in the U.S. running at 8.5% in July. This is a drop from 9.1% in June. July’s retail…
Nearly six months into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the conflict’s long-term impact is coming into focus. The conflict…
Global commercial insurance prices increased 9%, on average, in the second quarter of 2022, a decline from 11% in the…
Given vast product lines and far-flung supply chains, retail and consumer goods companies face a harder task than many…
The global economy, still reeling from the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, is facing an increasingly gloomy and…
The emerging high-inflation landscape has the potential to erode a decade of increased “real” capital value. Actual and…
As companies are forced to set more and more rigorous carbon reduction targets, they increasingly rely on purchasing…
Quantum computing (QC) represents the biggest threat to data security in the medium term, since it can make attacks…