ABA to Jointly conduct with SBI a Short-Term Visiting Program

Mumbai – The ABA is inviting member banks to participate in the short-term visiting program that the State Bank of India is hosting – for the first time – at the State Bank Staff College in Hyderabad, India on July 27-28, 2017.



The primary objective of ABA’s short-term visiting program is to provide  member banks the opportunity to study and undergo training on specific aspects of the operations of member banks. The SBI program will cover topics such as:

(a) Global Market/ Treasury;

(b) New Business Initiatives – Digital Banking: Connecting with Customers;

(c) Reaching out: Financial Inclusion;

(d) Connecting with the Customers – Social Media and Data Analysis;

(e) Risk Management;

(f) KYC/ AML/ CFT/ Money Laundering/ FATCA Compliance and Challenges;

(g) Developing Future Leadership; and

(h) e-Smart SME-MSME Lending/ Supply Chain. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit a branch and the central processing cell of SBI.

There is no participation fee for attending the SBI program. However, participants shall cover their airfare. Participants will be provided free accommodation at the State Bank Staff College. For further information, please contact the ABA Secretariat at aba@aba.org.tw.

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