Trade-based money laundering – Webinar May 8 ready

Pune – Samir Bhatankar, Vice-President of AML Compliance at RBL Bank has been announced as the guest speaker of the “Why Continuous Monitoring is Critical for Trade-Based Money Laundering” webinar hosted by Fintelekt Advisory Services that will be held on Wednesday, May 08, 2019 from 11.00 AM to 12.00 Noon (Indian Standard Time).

Given the billions of dollars traded across border, money laundering is a permanent risk throughout the international transaction process. It is essential that bankers understand the money laundering opportunities that arise in this kind of transaction. Listed below are several of the key issues that will be discussed during the 2nd webinar session:


Samir Bhatankar, Vice-President, AML Compliance, RBL Bank
Arpita Bedekar, Director – Marketing, Fintelekt Advisory Services

Key Issues to be discussed:

  • The complex eco-system involved in trade and the difficulties in detecting trade-based money laundering (TBML) for a banker.
  • Best practices in configuring AML systems to monitor trade transactions.
  • The importance of training and capacity building among employees.
  • TBML case studies and examples of recent trends and typologies.

This May 8 webinar follows the successful first webinar of 2019 held on February 21st that draw over 100 participants from banks (ABA members and non-members) around Asia-Pacific region. ABA expects that this 2nd webinar will also draw a large international audience and provide a convenient learning opportunity for AML compliance officers from the banking industry in Asia.

The webinars 2, 3,4 are scheduled as follows:

Webinar 2 – May 8
Why Continuous Monitoring is Critical for Trade-Based Money Laundering

Webinar 3 – July 10
Customer Due Diligence Challenges and Best Practices

Webinar 4 – December 4
New Payment Systems and Inherent AML Risks

For registration, please click HERE and the deadline is April 30, 2019.


Fintelekt specializes in research, consulting and education in banking, financial services and insurance, across India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh and other countries in South East Asia. It produces industry research, fosters dialogue and creates opportunities for knowledge sharing between senior executives from banking, financial services and insurance.

We therefore encourage your bank to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from Fintelekt’s knowledge and experience in addressing key AML/CFT challenges within Asia. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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