What are the Implications of the rapid frowth of Fintech in China

Beijing – China’s fintech market has grown rapidly in recent times, but the potential for the sector’s growth in China remains massive. Against that backdrop, the ability to develop and apply cutting-edge technology will be increasingly important for tomorrow’s fintech leaders in China if they are to make the most of this phenomenon.

bank-asiaNote: A report from our Knowledge Partner: Brink Asia


Special Feature

Bankers' Corner: new sharing feature in ABA website

The ABA introduces the “Bankers’ Corner”, a new feature of the ABA website designed to provide a platform for members to post information or materials that you may wish to share with other members of the Association or anyone who may be interested in them. We encourage members to take advantage of this platform and send your materials to the ABA Secretariat through aba@aba.org.tw.