Webinar on AML/CFT for DNFBPs on 11 September 2024

The Asian Bankers Association (ABA) and Fintelekt Advisory Services Ltd. (Fintelekt) are inviting members and friends to participate in the webinar on AML/CFT Compliance for DNFBPs (Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions) to be held on 11 September 2024 from 2PM to 4:00 PM Taipei Time.

Join Arpita Bedekar, COO at Fintelekt and Debmalya Maitra, Trainer at Fintelekt and Partner at CKSP and Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants for an awareness training programme on this important topic.

This training programme is targeted at DNFBP professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of AML/CFT compliance, as well as other reporting entities such as banks and financial institutions to enhance their organization’s compliance efforts related to DNFBPs, which are also known as the gatekeepers to the financial system.

DNFBP designation includes Lawyers, Notaries, Accountants, Auditors, and Tax Advisors, Real Estate Agents, Dealers in Precious Metals and Jewels, Car Dealers, Trusts, Casinos, Online Gaming, and Gambling Establishments, Insurance Firms, Agents, and Brokers, Sports and Betting Operations, Crypto-Fiat Exchanges and Virtual Currency Custodian Wallet Services.

ABA invites players in the financial system, especially those in direct exchange with banks to join this webinar to help strengthen AML/CFT mechanisms to protect their national banking system and their own organizations.

Bankers are encouraged to share this invitation with their affiliated partners.

All attendees will earn a Certificate of Participation to be jointly issued by Fintelekt and ABA.



Please register HERE.