ABA Planning Committee Prepares for 39th ABA Conference in Kathmandu

The virtual meeting of the ABA Planning Committee held on May 12, 2023 discussed preparations for the 39th ABA General Meeting to be held in November 9-10 2023 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The active participation and valuable comments and inputs of ABA members contributed to the fruitful exchange of views on the various agenda items and the successful outcome of the meeting.

As discussed during meeting, the Planning Committee agreed on the following:


39th ABA General Meeting and Conference

Conference Dates: November 9 -10, 2023

Conference Venue: Soaltee Kathmandu


Tentative Theme and Topics of the Conference:

Theme: Asian Banking Roadmap for Recovery and Sustained Growth

Topic 1: Global Market Trends Shaping the Future of Banking

Topic 2: Digital Transformation: Enabling Digital Trust and Adoption of AI

Topic 3: ESG Banking Strategy: Integrating Policy, Principle and Profit

Topic 4: CEO Forum: Managing in Uncertainty and a Changing Environment


Regarding the above-mentioned Conference Theme and Topics, ABA  would like to know whether or not ABA members agree with their current wording. If changes are required, we would appreciate expressing your recommendations and suggested speakers for each of the four Conference topics on the Speaker Suggestion Form, and returning it to ABA Secretariat by May 31, if possible.


Proposed 2023 Work Program of the ABA Policy Advocacy Committee

The Committee agreed on the following objectives of its 2023 Work Program:


  • Promoting cooperation in achieving Sustainability Development Goals
  • Promoting cooperation in cyber security management and in addressing customer fraud
  • Promoting cooperation in dealing with the growing emergence of Private Credit and other payment systems outside the banking system.

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