VietinBank eFAST digital financial assistant scores with businesses

133 VietinbankThe financial position of a business is one of the most important data in economic organizations. However, it is not easy to keep the information circuit smooth 24/7 between administrators and information management departments.

Understanding that, VietinBank eFAST digital financial assistant is programmed to analyze business data and financial health of businesses. With a few mouse clicks, businesses can get an overview of their financial management situation, including the structure and trends of deposit and term loans; real-time receivables management reports; reports on management of payables and expenses according to the purpose of spending money (billing payment / payment to the state budget / salary payment / loan repayment…) or according to the list of suppliers.

The reports are also customizable to the needs of each business. VietinBank eFAST digital financial assistant is also integrated with data analysis capabilities to make recommendations to optimize benefits for businesses in terms of cash flow and financial costs.

Specifically, businesses that regularly buy and sell foreign currencies will be suggested when VietinBank has a good exchange rate. Or when the balance of the enterprise’s current account exceeds the regular spending level, VietinBank eFAST will suggest a term deposit investment plan to enjoy a higher interest rate. Conversely, if the current account is short of the payment needs, an overdraft suggestion/credit request will be sent to the customer immediately.

Zing News

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