Webinar on “Digital Currencies and The Digitalization in Banking” on 21 April 2022

The Asian Bankers Association (ABA) and the Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia (ACRAA) invites fellow bank members, investors, associates and friends to join the 90-minute webinar on “Recent Developments in the Digital Currencies and The Digitalization Trends in The Banking Industry” to be held on 21 April 2022 at 02:00 PM, Taipei time.

The webinar will feature Harry Hu, Senior Director & Sector Lead Analyst at S&P Global Ratings, Kiran Surve, CEO of CARE Risk Solutions Private Limited (a 100% subsidiary of CARE Ratings Limited), and Bennett Santiago,  Chief Credit Officer at Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) of the Philippines.

The webinar session will be moderated by Andy Chang, Senior Director & Head of Financial Services Ratings at Taiwan Ratings Corp.


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The topics to be discussed are explained as follows:

(1) The Future Of Digital Currencies And The Regulations That Shape It by Harry Hu (20 minutes)

Crypto regulation is picking up pace in 2022 and the advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) could reshape the growth trajectory of cryptocurrencies. In this session, we explore the latest updates in crypto, potential disruption from Decentralized Finance (Defi) as well as covering blockchain fundamentals and buzz words.


(2) The Digitalization Trends in The Banking Industry in South Asia and Middle East by Kiran Surve (20 minutes)

Mr. Surve has over 25 years of experience in the Tech industry and he shall speak on the Digitalization trends in the banking industry in South Asia and Middle East. The perspective he will bring to the table shall be from the angle of a tech solutions provider to banks. He shall also touch base upon the use of AI / ML in ratings.


(3) Cold Booting Credit: Credit Risk Management Learning Amidst and Beyond the Pandemic by Bennett Santiago (20 minutes)

Global lockdowns precipitated by the COVID 19 Pandemic was a black swan event that accelerated the inevitable shift towards digital banking, but on the flip side of that was the major puzzle of how banks will need to calibrate their credit risk management practices amidst unprecedented stress on its core lending businesses.

The discussion will focus on how RCBC reacted to the crisis, its learnings, what worked, what didn’t work, and the role technology will play amidst uncertainties brought about by climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.


(4) Q&A session (30 minutes)

Audience will be able to issue questions to the speakers.

Please register HERE.

We encourage you to share this webinar invitation with your colleagues.


2021 0318 ACRAAAbout ACRAA:

ACRAA was organized on 14 September 2001 at the Asian Development Bank headquarters, by 15 Asian credit rating agencies from 10 countries. As of March 2022, membership has increased to 27 members from 14 countries. An initiative of the Asian Bankers Association (ABA), ACRAA unites domestic credit rating agencies in a regional cooperative effort to develop and promote interaction and exchange of ideas, information, and skills among credit rating agencies in Asia to enhance their capabilities and their role of providing reliable market information. ACRAA also aims at promoting the adoption of best practices and common standards that ensure high quality and comparability of credit ratings throughout the region, following the highest norms of ethics and professional conduct.

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