AACOBB hosts Anti-Money-Laundering webinar for Bangladesh

2021 1015 Global SME 03On August 2, AACOBB (Association of Anti-Money-Laundering Compliance Officers of Banks in Bangladesh) and Refinitiv hosted a virtual session on how compliance professionals in Bangladesh can fight the threat of financial crime. During the same session, Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) offered its guidance while Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. and BRAC Bank Ltd., two industry leaders in compliance, provided useful insights.

The session covered regulatory measures to counter the threat of money laundering and current trends in compliance, and elements of designing an effective compliance screening program. From its part, Refinitiv shared some important initiatives to lead the fight against financial crime such as forging new public-private partnerships globally. The successful webinar convened some 150 AML professionals who benefited greatly from the informative session.


2021 1015 Bangladesd acobir 02

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