Invitation to Global SME Finance Forum on October 18-21, 2021

2021 0902 02a Acevedo 01The ABA is pleased to convey to its members the invitation from the SME Finance Forum for  ABA members to attend, on complimentary basis, the Global SME Finance Forum 2021 to be held virtually on October 18-22, 2021.

Carrying the theme “Greening SME Finance: Toward a More Sustainable and Resilient Future”, this year’s Global SME Finance Forum will not only focus on the importance of greening SME finance and its role in promoting a more resilient and sustainable growth of the SMEs post-COVID-19, but also address some of the key issues and challenges especially on greenwashing, data benchmarking, and verification and misalignment between supply and demand.

The conference will convene global thought leaders, climate finance advocates, leading experts, and practitioners in the field of SME finance to share their visions, insights, and experiences in promoting green finance for SMEs.

Among the featured speakers is Mr. Eugene Acevedo, ABA Chairman and President and Chief Executive Officer, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC). He will be joining CEO SME Finance Forum Mr. Mathhew Gamser in a Fireside Chat during Leaders Dialogue 1: Views from Asia to be held on October 18.

2021 0830 RCBC Front 02Also invited as speaker is Mr. Gabby Tomas, Chief Risk Officer and Risk Management Group Head at the Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation, who will be a panelist during the panel discussion on “Locating Green Value in SME Lending” also scheduled on October 18.

Please visit SME Finance Forum for detailed information regarding the program and speakers. For interested ABA members, please email to the ABA Secretariat at to obtain the ABA special discount code to register for free.

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