Temenos’ webinar on “LevelUP with Infinity: The Digital Bank of Tomorrow”

TemenosThe Asian Bankers Association (ABA) would like to invite ABA members to join the webinar on “LevelUP with Infinity: The Digital Bank of Tomorrow” to be held on April 27, 2021 at 11:00 AM Singapore time.

Organized by Temenos, a financial transformation solutions provider and an ABA Associate Member, the webinar will look into how banking and its ecosystem will evolve as well as introduce new innovations that are of use to the financial institutions.

By joining the webinar, participants will be able to hear from digital solution experts sharing and discussing the following topics:


  • How the trend of digital banking in Asia Pacific will evolve in this new decade;
  • How the roles of banks will transform and integrate with customer lifestyle and the ecosystem; and
  • What are the innovations that banks can undertake to reimagine digital banking and create a first-class customer experience.


To register for the webinar, interested parties may register via the following link: Webinar Registration – Zoom .

For more information on Temenos, please download the infographic of its latest whitepaper, or visit its official website at: Temenos – World-Leading Banking Software Solutions .


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