Asia Matters’ Webinar with Minister Fleming

2021 03011 Asia matters 01ABA is recommending its members to register to attend the Asia Matters-organized Webinar with Sean Fleming T.D. Minister for International Financial Services on Thursday 25 March 2021 at 09.30 AM Dublin

Register in advance for this webinar HERE.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email and link to join the Webinar.


Key Theme: The Importance of Asia in International Financial Services


  • An Update to the Rollout of Ireland for Finance Strategy
  • Ireland’s Global Engagement with IFIs (particularly ADB,WB, IMF, IIC)
  • Future Opportunities to Develop Partnership with Asia


Following the Minister’s presentation, an expert panel will discuss how to develop Asia Ireland partnership in financial services at government, IFI and private sector levels.

This webinar is part of the Global Rise of Asia Series and is held in partnership with Turkish Airlines.

Early booking is recommended. Participation is free but prior registration is required by clicking on the button below

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