Webinar on Climate Transition: A Roadmap for Banks in Emerging Markets on 3 September 2024 – Register now

Photo: Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke, Pixaby


The Asian Bankers Association and auctusESG are inviting ABA members and friends to participate in the webinar on Climate Transition: A Roadmap for Banks in Emerging Markets to be held on 3 September 2024 at 1:30PM Taipei time.

This 90-minute webinar aims to unpack the challenges and opportunities banks in emerging markets face when it comes to initiating and achieving a climate transition in their operations and their business.

The webinar will discuss the Climate Transition Roadmap for Banks in Emerging Markets Report. This recently produced report presents a prescriptive guidance to help banks plan, develop, and implement a holistic climate transition strategy. Currently, most banks are in the nascent phase of their climate transition journey and this webinar could help bankers understand important points and activities needed to establish a practical roadmap.




13:30 Introduction.

13:32 Welcome Remarks by Mr. Austin Chiang, Chairman of ABA Policy Advocacy and Chief Strategic Officer, CTBC Bank.

13:37 Keynote address (TBC).

13:42 Climate Transition Roadmap for Banks in Emerging Markets Report by Sourajit Aiyer, VP, auctusESG.

13:57 Panel discussion moderated by Sourajit Aiyer, with the following panelists:

  • Adheesha Perera, Head of Sustainability, Union Bank of Colombo.
  • Anjalee Tarapore, Executive Vice President, ESG, HDFC Bank.
  • Manish Kumar, Head-ESG & CSR, ICICI Bank.
  • Siloshini Naidoo..

14:37 Q&A.

14:57 Closing Remarks.

15:00 End of webinar.


To join the webinar, please register HERE.


is a global expert advisory firm facilitating global sustainable development and the climate transition, standing at the intersection of finance, investments and sustainability. With its robust experience in sustainable finance, ESG and climate risk assessment, transparency and disclosures. It provides unique advisory and enable holistic financial solutions to complex global challenges, with a risk-return-impact perspective.

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Bankers' Corner: new sharing feature in ABA website

The ABA introduces the “Bankers’ Corner”, a new feature of the ABA website designed to provide a platform for members to post information or materials that you may wish to share with other members of the Association or anyone who may be interested in them. We encourage members to take advantage of this platform and send your materials to the ABA Secretariat through aba@aba.org.tw.