Successful webinar on Compliance Teams: A Business Differentiator held 4 July 2024

The recent webinar on “Compliance Teams: A Business Differentiator,” jointly organized by the International Compliance Association (ICA) and the Asian Bankers Association (ABA) on July 4, 2024 drew 564 registrants from 30 countries. This successful and well-attended webinar benefited from an active audience that learned about the evolving role of compliance in today’s business landscape.




ICA President Pekka Dare and industry expert Gaon Hart kicked off the session by delving into how compliance teams can transform themselves from being seen as cost center to a pivotal business differentiator.

They shared insights on how compliance can play a crucial role in investor funding meetings and contract bids, and underscored the importance that investors assign to companies with strong compliance and corporate governance, thus adding value to all stakeholders.

Furthermore, Pekka and Gaon emphasized that compliance is undergoing a seismic shift—from a rules-based approach to one grounded in ethics, integrity, and value creation.

They encouraged all participants to reflect on how they can contribute to this transformation and be active agents in reshaping the perception of compliance within their own organizations.

If you missed any part of the webinar or want to revisit the discussion, we invite you to watch the recording at the ABA YouTube channel shown below and visit ICA website for further information about these issues.



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Bankers' Corner: new sharing feature in ABA website

The ABA introduces the “Bankers’ Corner”, a new feature of the ABA website designed to provide a platform for members to post information or materials that you may wish to share with other members of the Association or anyone who may be interested in them. We encourage members to take advantage of this platform and send your materials to the ABA Secretariat through