APAC Masterclass Series: Economic Crime Compliance in KL & Bangkok

The Asian Bankers Association (ABA) and the International Compliance Association (ICA) are inviting fellow bank members and friends to join the APAC Masterclass Series: Economic Crime Compliance to be held in-person in Kuala Lumpur on July 15-16 and in Bangkok on July 18-19.

The ICA APAC Masterclass Series: Economic Crime Compliance, will be led by distinguished expert, Gaon Hart, who will be visiting Asia for the second time.

The Masterclass Series is tailored to equip senior practitioners with the insights and tools needed to navigate regulatory landscapes, manage technology-driven fraud risks, and uphold ethical standards in today’s interconnected business world.



The Masterclass Series focuses on the complexities and challenges that organizations are facing today in an evolving regulatory compliance landscape. By attending, you will:


  • Receive Customised Liability Management Advice: Gain insights from a global perspective and receive tailored advice on managing liability effectively.
  • Take Away Practical Compliance Steps: Learn actionable steps to enhance corporate compliance within your organization.
  • Engage in Dynamic Networking: Connect with peers, engage in enriching post-event collaborations, and receive ongoing support.
  • Unlock Valuable Insights: Benchmark your organization against industry standards and best practices.
  • Attain 8 CPD hours and a Certificate of Attendance awarded by ICA and ABA.



The program for Anti-Bribery & Corruption Masterclass (one day) and Fraud Masterclass (one day) is a full day schedule (9:00-17:00) presented as follows:


  • Chairs’ Welcome: A warm greeting to kickstart each session.
  • Latest Developments: Staying current with economic crime requirements.
  • Core Fundamentals: Exploring compliance program essentials and governance.
  • Technology: Navigating the technological landscape in compliance.
  • Lunch & Networking.
  • Training Framework: Crafting and curating a global training program.
  • Culture: Implementing practical methods for fostering an ethical organizational culture.
  • 5x5x5: Identifying changes to implement over the next five days, five weeks, and five months for effective collaboration readiness.
  • Group Photo



This masterclass series is important for board members, senior executives, and compliance professionals seeking advanced expertise in economic crime compliance.




ABA members will receive a 30% discount & non-members will receive a 20% discount!

For further information please reach out to enquiries@int-comp.org.



The International Compliance Association (ICA) is a leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community. Since 2001, ICA has enhanced the knowledge, skills and behaviour of over 160,000 professionals all over the world either through our internationally-recognised portfolio of professional qualifications (awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester) or through accredited in-company training.

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