Mr. Morris Li, CTBC Chairman, elected new ABA Chairman

During the 39th ABA General Meeting and Conference held in Kathmandu on November 8-9, 2023, Mr. Morris Li, Chairman of CTBC Bank, was elected new ABA Chairman.

During the Turnover Ceremony, Outgoing Chairman Mr. Eugene Acevedo said that “despite the difficulties we all faced due to the pandemic since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, we continued to strongly support ABA’s vision of promoting cooperation among banks in the region and advancing the interests of the Asian banking sector. We remained committed to its objective of providing a forum – most of it online – for an effective exchange of information and networking among its members. Above all, I have become a stronger believer in the capacity of ABA to serve as a vehicle for member banks to develop long-term relationship and friendship, which is the binding force that will make the Association grow stronger in the years to come.”

Then the Incoming ABA Chairman, Mr. Morris Li from CTBC Bank and incoming Vice Chairman, Mr. Mostafa Beheshti Rouy from Bank Pasargad, took their Oath of Office, with ABA Advisory Council Member Mr. Daniel Wu administering the oath-taking ceremony. This was then followed with the symbolic turnover of the ABA flag by Outgoing Chairman Mr. Acevedo to the Incoming Chairman Mr. Li to symbolize the transfer of the mantle of leadership of the Association.

Mr. Li thereafter delivered his Acceptance Speech where he said that the ABA Chairmanship carries with it enormous responsibility and challenges. “Recognizing that the ongoing changes and uncertainties in the world market continue to have a significant impact on the region’s financial sector, I realize I have a daunting task ahead of me. As we’ve heard from our speakers during the past two days, the banking sector has entered a period of many new challenges and opportunities. A number of developments taking place in many of the advanced economies are having significant implications on Asia’s financial markets and the global economy as a whole”

Mr. Li expressed his hopes that during his term, ABA will continue to play a crucial role in the further development of the Asian banking sector. “Together, we will do our best to make ABA an even more effective forum for advancing the cause of the banking sector and for promoting regional economic cooperation. I believe we are in a position to do just that, given the vast and rich resources our membership can provide.”


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