ABA Secretary-Treasurer Calls on TABF President

ABA Secretary-Treasurer David Hsu (center) met with Dr. Hank Huang, President of the Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF) (2nd from right) on February 6 2023 at the TABF headquarters in Taipei. Mr. Hsu briefed Dr Huang on recent and upcoming activities of ABA, particularly on the training programs and webinars in which TABF may participate either as speakers or as co-organizers.

Dr. Huang expressed interest in taking an active involvement in the ABA activities and offered TABF’s support in implementing them. His colleague Ms. Ti-Chen Chen, Deputy Director, Overseas Business Institute (leftmost), also outlined some of the activities and programs of TABF, including the newly-opened Fin & Tech Innovation Village, which aims to bring together governmental agencies, financial providers, academia, and technological manufacturers to create a space for technological innovation in the financial industry.

Following the meeting with Dr. Huang, the ABA visitors were given a tour by Ms. Chen of the facilities of TABF, including its Financial Museum Joining Mr. Hsu in the visit were Mr. Ernest Lin, Immediate Past Secretary Treasurer of ABA (2nd from left), and ABA Deputy secretary Mr. Amador Honrado (rightmost).


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