Sanima Bank introduced Green PIN

51 Sanima BankSanima Bank introduced Green PIN (Personal Identification Number) to its valuable customers.

Green PIN is a paperless PIN generated for Debit/ Credit card. Customer can change PIN of their Debit/Credit card through ATM using One Time Password (OTP) which is received in customer’s registered mobile number provided to the Bank. Customer will have to visit nearest Sanima Bank’s ATM within 24 Hrs. in order to change their card’s PIN code.

The main motive of introducing Green PIN is to discourage paper PIN and to make digital banking more easy, secure and convenient to the customer.

Sanima Bank News



One thought on “Sanima Bank introduced Green PIN

  1. Deependra Rijal

    What happen if it is not change within 24 hours.?? How to get OTP again

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