“Physical Measures Against Cyber Attacks” webinar

2021 0126 OberthurOberthur Cash Protection (OCP), an Associate Member of the Asian Bankers Association (ABA), is organizing a webinar for ABA members on “Physical Measures Against Cyber Attacks” on March 24, 2022.

According to OCP, physical attacks against ATMs are widespread across Asia and are globally on the rise. It is also accepted that increasing the traditional physical security measures — for example, by installing higher grades of safes or locking bars—does not deter attacks.

Criminals are simply using more and more powerful equipment, such as construction machinery, hydraulic tools and ever-increasing amounts of explosives to access the cash inside the ATMs. ATM cyber-attacks too are on the rise – ATM “Jackpotting”, ATM “Cash-Out”.

During the webinar, OCP will be sharing worldwide experiences together with the effectiveness of ATM protection solutions against physical attacks. In addition, it will introduce the antimicrobial protective films as showing how to minimize the risk to banks’ customers from virus infections when using ATM touchscreens.

More information on the webinar will be provided to ABA members in due course.

In partnership with the key players such as ATM manufacturers in the market, OCP offers an extensive catalogue of solutions to combat the different types of attack carried out on ATMs.

For further information on OCP and its cash protection solutions please visit its ATM 3D showroom.


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