Maybank gives RM77bil worth of assistance

39 MaybankMaybank and Maybank Islamic have provided repayment assistance worth more than RM77bil to over 420,000 individual and small and medium enterprise customers as of Aug 31.

The customers, who have some 500,000 loan/financing accounts, represented close to one third of the bank’s total Malaysia consumer and small to mid-sized business loan/financing portfolio based on outstanding balance, it said in a statement.

Maybank Community Financial Services group CEO Datuk John Chong said the proportion of loans/financing under repayment assistance based on outstanding balance has more than doubled within the last two months following the automatic six-month moratorium which came into effect in July under the Pemulih programme.

Chong said out of the total repayment assistance loan/financing portfolio based on outstanding balance, 69% is under the deferred instalment (moratorium) option.

The Star

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