HNB ranked among Sri Lanka’s ‘Most Admired Companies’ for 3rd consecutive year

HNB Logo 200Hatton National Bank (HNB) once again secured top rankings among Sri Lanka’s ‘Most Admired Companies’ for the 3rd consecutive year.

The bank was selected for its achievement in business and financial excellence, as well as for offering significant value to their customers, employees and the general community.

Conducted jointly by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and International Chamber of Commerce, Sri Lanka (ICCSL), the evaluation for the awards found that the Top 10 Most Admired Companies specific common traits which had helped elevate their standing among Sri Lankan corporates.

These included creating a higher-purpose mission, seizing on digital opportunities via new platforms and business models, and ensuring that innovation was not isolated to a department but was a strategic capability.

“We are excited to have been recognised as one of the Top 10 Most Admired Companies in Sri Lanka. This is an acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication that we have committed to our customers, investors and employees,” HNB Managing Director/CEO, Jonathan Alles said.

The 2020 list was compiled following a lengthy and rigorous evaluation based on globally accepted quantitative and qualitative criteria. Companies were evaluated on two rounds with their performance assessed under seven criteria – valuing human relationships, fostering teamwork, experimenting frugally, fulfilling commitments, fighting complacency, winning through multiple means and giving back to the community.

HNB Media Center

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