“Digital Banking Asia Webinar” on November 10-11, 2020


The Asian Bankers Association (ABA) would like to invite members to join the Digital Banking Asia Webinar to be held on November 10-11, 2020.

Organized by Escom Events, an industry events specialist, the two-day webinar-of which the ABA is a Supporting Organization-aims to unite senior level executives from leading banks, fintech companies and IT companies to network, share insights, experiences and career thinking on banking trends as well as embrace the innovations. Key themes of the event include: “Open Banking Track”, “Artificial Intelligence Track”, “Fintech Leaders Track”, and “Payment Innovations Track,” among others.

For more information, interested parties can visit the event website at: https://digitalbankingasia.org/, or contact Ms. Maggie Liu, Assistant Producer of Escom Events: maggie.liu@escom-events.com.

To register, you may find the link below: https://qingflow.com/f/43a4acdc


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