Enterprise-Wide Risk Management workshop by ACRAA in Manila

Manila – The Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia (ACRAA) successfully conducted a training workshop on “Enterprise-Wide Risk Management” on July 28-29, 2016 at the Peninsula Manila Hotel in Makati City, Philippines.


2016 07 ACRAA images1Workshop Objective

The objective of the two-day workshop was to help the participants develop a framework of thinking when analyzing enterprise-wide risks as they translate to credit risks. It aimed to create a wider understanding of the spectrum of risks encountered by businesses today and develop a deeper and more comprehensive analytical perspective.


Workshop Participants

The number of participants totaled 40, of which 12 were ACRAA members from 6 countries, and 28 were non-ACRAA members from 5 countries. Of the 28 non-ACRAA member participants, 22 were representatives of ABA member banks and the ABA Secretariat, viz:

  • Bank of Bhutan (Bhutan)
  • Development Bank of the Philippines (Philippines)
  • Export-Import Bank of the ROC (Taiwan)
  • Vietcombank (Vietnam)
  • Bank Pasargad (Iran)
  • ABA Secretariat


2016 07 ACRAA images2Workshop Topics

Experts gave interactive lectures on various topics, including the following:

  • The Current Practice of Enterprise-Wide Risk Management
  • Anatomy of Information Technology (IT) Risks)
  • Enterprise-Wide Risk Evaluation and Management Applied to the Banking Sector
  • The Bangladesh-New York-Philippines Cyber Connection
  • Enterprise-Wide Risk Evaluation and Management Applied to the Manufacturing Sector
  • Enterprise-Wide Risk Evaluation and Management Applied to the Transport Sector
  • Country Risk Rating Assessment: Methodology and Approach
  • Sovereign Risk Analysis: Basic Factors and How They Impact on Corporate-Specific and Project-Specific Credit Ratings
  • Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects Risk Assessment Framework
  • Understanding Systemic and Political Risk



During on-the-side discussion with Mr. Santiago Dumlao, Secretary-General of ACRAA, he expressed his deep appreciation to the ABA for inviting its members to participate in the workshop. He also suggested that the ABA invite Mr. Faheem Ahmad, President and CEO of the JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited of Pakistan, to be a Panelist in the CEO Forum of the 33rd ABA General Meeting and Conference.

ABA officers also spoke to Mohd Razlan Mohamed, Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Rating Corp. Berhad (MARC) and Chairman of the Training Committee of ACRAA, as well as with Mr. Mehul Pandya, Executive Vice President of the Credit Analysis and Research Ltd. from India and Board member of ACRAA, and introduced to them the ABA and its activities. They were also invited them to attend the 33rd ABA General Meeting and Conference.

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